From the runway to senior care: the journey of Izabela Izycka

How a modeling icon turned her passion to enhance elderly care

The cover model who turned tech mogul. Izabela Izycka, or Iza she is affectionately called, utilizes her unique skills and experiences to build once again, this time in the realm of senior care.     

Izabela Izycka was «discovered» at a Biedronka (a commonplace grocery store) in Poland, where she grew up. With two other cousins already in the modeling industry, Iza knew she had a wealth of family knowledge to draw from. After carefully observing her cousins Domi and Mery Izycka signed with IMG and Next in the prestigious and coveted world of high fashion, she purposefully moved in a different direction, opting for a «more commercial» audience by utilizing social media. The ability to forward-think rewarded her with many lucrative and successful campaigns. Amongst them are well known brands such as Intimmissimi, Pretty Little Thing, Honey Birdette, Rockstar Energy and Wrist Afficionado.

According to Iza, the secret sauce is in the ability to communicate charismatically. We all know communication is key, but how we say something is overlooked, underrated and at least equally as important. As a self-proclaimed shy kid growing up, Iza credits modeling for strengthening her ability to adapt and flourish in various situations, namely social situations. The lessons were not easily learned, often models are alone in foreign countries from a young age. Izabela was not unique in this experience. Her uniqueness lies within how she moves through and from it.  

Izabela also described herself as being incredibly close to her family. She said, «They are always very supportive of me, and it`s so hard being away from them… I think about it a lot, and it weighs on me.» Between work and visa logistic gymnastics, Izabela is able to see her family in person typically only about three times a year. Though they talk often through timezone defying group chats and tie each other over between sparse visits through phone calls, Izabela has run into a new challenge that cannot be fully addressed through facetime alone. This challenge has become widespread and shared, especially in modernized communities: finding high quality senior care.  

As of June 15, 2024, The World Health Organization states: Rates of abuse of older people are high in institutions such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities, with 2 in 3 staff reporting that they have committed abuse in the past year. Iz’s grandfather was found at more than one time to be unattended, for extended periods of time, without a private room, immobile, cold and next to an open window during low temperatures. «The conditions my grandfather was living in (at his care facility)? It just wasn’t it.»

Izabela, though in a different country at the time, kept in close communication with her grandfather and, at one point, felt something was very off.  When she insisted her father check on him immediately, Izabela’s grandfather was found out of his bed, and on the ground unable to help himself up, all while shivering. Izabela’s father took her intuition seriously, even though it was past visiting hours at her grandfather’s care facility. When Izabela’s father looked inside the closed facility’s windows, he was shocked to see their beloved family member treated so cruelly, and ultimately broke in without a second thought to help him on the spot. Tragically, Izabela’s grandfather passed soon after. She believes with better care, he could still be with us today.  

Izabela states, «The culture has been changing, sons and daughters are moving to different countries far from their hometowns and home nations. Not every family lives close together anymore… I want to create luxury senior care facilities which surpass current standards.» 

On top of this situation, the number of people aged 60 years and older in 2020 was 1 billion.  This is projected to more than double to 2.1 billion by 2050 according to the World Health Organization. The demand for senior care exists and will continue to increase. Izabela has her sights set on many locations widely available, and she plans for her company to be able to expand to neighboring countries.  

Izabela Izycka made the jump from model to tech look effortless, and she plans to make the leap into the care industry look just as good. The modeling and tech industries are both highly competitive, demanding and male dominated.

«Despite what people say, you have to hold on to your dream and go for it, you are often more capable than you think. People will have something to say, let them talk.  Just start.  Start somewhere, start anywhere.»


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